How to Have a Conversation in Japanese
I struggle to have conversations with Japanese people in Japanese. Not because of a lack of Japanese ability, but because of a lack of conversational ability. I can converse (somewhat)…
I struggle to have conversations with Japanese people in Japanese. Not because of a lack of Japanese ability, but because of a lack of conversational ability. I can converse (somewhat)…
黄色い家 (Kiiroi Ie) by 川上 未映子 (Meiko Kawakami) Author: 川上 未映子 (Meiko Kawakami) Japanese Level: JLPT N2 Genre: Human drama(?) Pages: 608 Bookwalker Japan: 黄色い家 Japanese Summary 2020年春、惣菜店に勤める花は、ニュース記事に黄美子の名前を見つける。 60歳になった彼女は、若い女性の監禁・傷害の罪に問われていた。 長らく忘却していた20年前の記憶――黄美子と、少女たち2人と疑似家族のように暮らした日々。…
How difficult or easy the JLPT is varies widely from person to person. Some people pass without effort, whereas others (like myself) need lots of preparation. This article covers what…
I read a whopping 28 books in Japanese this year! That’s the most I’ve been able to read in a single year. I think this is thanks to discovering audiobooks…
オタク女子が、4人で暮らしてみたら。 (Otaku Joshi ga, 4nin de Kurashite mitara) by 藤谷 千明 (Chiaki Fujitani) Author: 藤谷 千明 (Chiaki Fujitani) Japanese Level: JLPT N2 Genre: Non-fiction, slice of life, otaku, anime Pages:…
よつばと!(Yotsuba to!) is often said to be one of the best manga for beginners learning Japanese, but is it really? I wanted to take a close look at the first…
店長がバカすぎて (Tencho ga Baka Sugite) by 早見和真 (Kazumasa Hayami) Author: 早見和真 (Kazumasa Hayami) Japanese Level: JLPT N2 Genre: Slice of life, work drama, comedy Pages: 301 Amazon Japan Kindle: 店長がバカすぎて…
One often overlooked pitfall of language learning is falling off the wagon. For whatever reason you stop studying and then don’t start again for a week, a month, a few…