The Witch of the West is Dead – 西の魔女が死んだ (Nishi no Majo ga Shinda)
西の魔女が死んだ (Nishi no Majo ga Shinda) by 梨木 香歩 (Kaho Nashiki) Author: 梨木 香歩 (Kaho Nashiki) Japanese Level: JLPT N3 ~ N2 Genre: Slice-of-life, drama, family Pages: 226 Amazon Japan…
西の魔女が死んだ (Nishi no Majo ga Shinda) by 梨木 香歩 (Kaho Nashiki) Author: 梨木 香歩 (Kaho Nashiki) Japanese Level: JLPT N3 ~ N2 Genre: Slice-of-life, drama, family Pages: 226 Amazon Japan…
Manga Review for Japanese Learners! あせとせっけん (Sweat and Soap) by 山田 金鉄 (Kintetsu Yamada) Author: 山田 金鉄 (Kintetsu Yamada) Genre: adult, business, romance Great for: Intermediate Japanese (JLPT N2+) and…
I started using Memrise probably about seven years ago in 2015, two years after the Beta was released. I had previously tried Anki because everyone used it, but never got…