Anime Japanese – This, There, Where?
There are a lot of Japanese words that pop up regularly in anime and we are going to practice some of these using anime themselves starting with “this/there/where”. In Japanese…
There are a lot of Japanese words that pop up regularly in anime and we are going to practice some of these using anime themselves starting with “this/there/where”. In Japanese…
I mentioned last week that I was doing an Anime Japanese workshop at the University of Kent, UK. It turned out well! I’ll be following this up with a number…
“I want to be able to read manga in Japanese” Want to learn manga Japanese? Manga Japanese is great fun to read but can be pretty tricky for beginners who…
“Studying Japanese can be so boring sometimes and I just don’t have the time for it” Japanese can be fun, you make time for it if it’s fun. Many people…