Apologies for the last few weeks of radio silence everyone! Life, as always, gets in the way and as this blog and Memrise is something I do out of my own time it sometimes gets pushed down the priority list.
The last few weeks which were missed (the 10th and 17th), as well as the Advanced Reading Practice I promised, will be updated this week along with this week’s post.
Update days are being changed to Thursday! This is because Wednesdays are packed all day with commuting, classes and Uni work, but my Thursdays are free so I should have more time to get them done and updated then.
At the moment I am prioritising a few themes on J-Talk over others. The first is JLPT N1 and advanced readings. This is because I’m studying for the N1 exam and creating these on the blog and memrise help me a lot, as I hope they help others.
I’m also going to be doing one more Anime focused lesson before dropping those for a while. But I will be finding more videos and practice to add to previous blogs that are missing them.
As always, if you have any requests or ideas for topics that could be covered in the blog please let me know in the comments or facebook page. I won’t be taking any suggestions for courses on Memrise though as I’m focusing on the N1 and advanced Japanese levels for now.
Thanks for your understanding!