How to Study for the JLPT
How difficult or easy the JLPT is varies widely from person to person. Some people pass without effort, whereas others (like myself) need lots of preparation. This article covers what…
How difficult or easy the JLPT is varies widely from person to person. Some people pass without effort, whereas others (like myself) need lots of preparation. This article covers what…
The Android app Japanese Kanji Study is probably the best app for studying kanji. (At least if you have an Android.) It’s a very versatile app that lets you study…
I love the Japanese Kanji Study app on Android. I’ve had it for so many years I can’t remember when I started using it! The UI is smooth, aesthetically pleasing,…
The full title for this book is 絶対合格!日本語能力試験 徹底トレーニング N1 文字・語彙 (Zettai Goukaku! Tettei Toreeningu Nihongo Nouryoku Shiken N1 Kanji Goi) I’ve had, what I will call 徹底トレーニング, in my…
I’ve seen this question crop up a few times lately. Or at least different iterations of it. Do I need to pass the N1? Do I need to learn N1…
線は、僕を描く (せんはぼくをえがく) by 砥上 裕將 (Togami Hiromasa) Author: 砥上 裕將 (Togami Hiromasa) Genre: novel, college, melancholy Great for: Advanced (JLPT N1+) Length: 317 pages Amazon Japan: 線は、僕を描く Bookwalker Japan: 線は、僕を描く…
With less than a month before the December JLPT it’s time to start doing some JLPT practice questions! Many people will go to the JLPT website and try their tiny…
I have this bad habit of avoiding grammar every time I study for the JLPT. I’ll either avoid it altogether or leave it until the last minute. But now I’ve…