5 MORE Japanese Light Novels for JLPT N3 Level Learners
A few years ago I recommended a list of light novels for JLPT N3 level learners. Each book on that list ramps up in difficulty, from an easy book about…
A few years ago I recommended a list of light novels for JLPT N3 level learners. Each book on that list ramps up in difficulty, from an easy book about…
I’ve been studying Japanese for a long time, but how I learned was not very efficient and very slow. (I’ll save you the details but you can read about it…
そして、バトンは渡された (Soshite, Baton wa Watasareta) by 瀬尾まいこ (Maiko Seo) Author: 瀬尾まいこ (Maiko Seo) Japanese Level: JLPT N2 Genre: Human drama, slice of life Pages: 420 Amazon Japan Kindle: そして、バトンは渡された Bookwalker…
傲慢と善良 (Gouman to Zenryou) by 辻村 深月 (Mizuki Tsujimura) Author: 辻村 深月 (Mizuki Tsujimura) Japanese Level: JLPT N2 Genre: Mystery, human drama Pages: 493 Amazon Japan Kindle: 傲慢と善良 Bookwalker Japan:…
Reading can be one of the most difficult parts of learning Japanese. It requires you to combine your knowledge of kanji, vocabulary, and grammar, and be able to understand more…
同志少女よ、敵を撃て (Doushi Shojo Yo Teki wo Ute) by 逢坂 冬馬 (Tōma Aisaka) Author: 逢坂 冬馬 (Tōma Aisaka) Japanese Level: JLPT N1+ Genre: History, fiction, drama Pages: 492 (tankobon) Amazon Japan…
In 2023 I attended KumoriCon in Portland, Oregon where I did a talk on “How to Teach Yourself Japanese” and “How to Teach Yourself Japanese Through Anime and Manga”. This…
誰が勇者を殺したか (Dare ga Yusha wo Koroshita ka) by 駄犬 (Daken) Author: 駄犬 (Daken) Japanese Level: JLPT N3-N2 Genre: Fantasy, mystery Pages: 264 Amazon Japan Kindle: 誰が勇者を殺したか Bookwalker Japan: 誰が勇者を殺したか Shōsetsuka…