How to Have a Conversation in Japanese
I struggle to have conversations with Japanese people in Japanese. Not because of a lack of Japanese ability, but because of a lack of conversational ability. I can converse (somewhat)…
I struggle to have conversations with Japanese people in Japanese. Not because of a lack of Japanese ability, but because of a lack of conversational ability. I can converse (somewhat)…
There is a lot of information online about learning Japanese. This is both a good thing and a bad thing. Good, because there’re a lot of resources and study methods…
I love the Japanese Kanji Study app on Android. I’ve had it for so many years I can’t remember when I started using it! The UI is smooth, aesthetically pleasing,…
The full title for this book is 絶対合格!日本語能力試験 徹底トレーニング N1 文字・語彙 (Zettai Goukaku! Tettei Toreeningu Nihongo Nouryoku Shiken N1 Kanji Goi) I’ve had, what I will call 徹底トレーニング, in my…
Natively popped up last year on Reddit as a brand new website where you can find and track Japanese books. Kind of like Goodreads, but for Japanese books aimed at…
I love drilling Japanese. Personally, I find the “hands on” method of learning better than rote learning. In other words, I’m a kinesthetic learner. I like using Japanese, so when…
I recently had the honor to be on 日本語 with あこ (Nihongo with Ako), a podcast hosted by Japanese teacher Ako Suzuki. I had come across her podcasts in the…
By study beginners Japanese with science, I don’t mean Matrix-level download the language to your brain (although I wish I did!) I mean, using science books aimed at young Japanese…