This is Not a Business Expense! (Kore wa Keihi de Ochimasen!)
これは経費で落ちません! (Kore wa Keihi de Ochimasen!) by 青木 祐子 (Yuko Aoki) Author: 青木 祐子 (Yuko Aoki) Japanese Level: JLPT N2 Genre: Slice of life, business Pages: 253 Amazon Japan Kindle:…
これは経費で落ちません! (Kore wa Keihi de Ochimasen!) by 青木 祐子 (Yuko Aoki) Author: 青木 祐子 (Yuko Aoki) Japanese Level: JLPT N2 Genre: Slice of life, business Pages: 253 Amazon Japan Kindle:…
3分で読める! 眠れない夜に読む心ほぐれる物語 (3-bun de Yomeru! Nemurenai Yoru ni Yomu Kokoro Hogureru Monogatari) Author: Various authors; Japanese Level: JLPT N2 Genre: Short stories, mystery, fantasy, sci-fi Pages: 227 Amazon Japan (Physical…
失恋の準備をお願いします (Shitsukoi no Junbi o Onegaishimasu) by 浅倉 秋成 (Akibari Asakura) Author: 浅倉 秋成 (Akibari Asakura) Japanese Level: JLPT N2 Genre: Mystery(?), comedy, romance(??), light sci-fi(?) Amazon Japan (Kindle): 失恋の準備をお願いします…
京都伏見のあやかし甘味帖 (Kyoto Fushimi no Ayakashi Amamijo) by 柏 てん (Ten Kashiwa) Author: 柏 てん (Ten Kashiwa) Genre: Kyoto, sweets, fantasy, shinto, light novel, character novel Great for: Advanced (JLPT N2~N1+)…
わたし、定時で帰ります (Watashi Teiji de Kaerimasu) by 朱野 帰子 (Kaeruko Akeno) Author: 朱野 帰子 (Kaeruko Akeno) Genre: slice of life, office life, Japanese society, female protagonist Great for: Intermediate (JLPT N2~JLPT…
裏世界ピクニック (Otherside Picnic) by 宮澤 伊織 (Iori Miyazawa) Author: 宮澤 伊織 (Iori Miyazawa) Genre: light novel, sci-fi, fantasy, adventure, horror, yuri Great for: Advanced (JLPT N1+) Length: 320 pages Amazon…
また、同じ夢を見ていた (Mata Onaji Yume wo Miteita / I Had That Same Dream Again) by 住野よる (Yoru Sumino) Author: 住野よる (Yoru Sumino) Genre: novel, elementary school, coming of age, fantasy Great…
君と漕ぐ:ながとろ高校カヌー部 by 武田 綾乃 (Ayano Takeda) Author: 武田 綾乃 (Ayano Takeda) Genre: novel, slice of life, high school, club, rowing Great for: Advanced (JLPT N1) Length: 332 pages Amazon Japan…