Things I Learnt Studying Japanese
Tips for Studying Japanese Here are a few lessons I’ve learnt over the years studying Japanese. I hope these come in handy with your own study. Just because you feel…
Tips for Studying Japanese Here are a few lessons I’ve learnt over the years studying Japanese. I hope these come in handy with your own study. Just because you feel…
-Guest Post from Wana10- Hello! Niffer asked if I’d write a post for J-talk and I decided why the heck not. But what to talk about? Let’s focus today on…
When you go visit Japan you are most likely to eat out in a restaurant at least once at some point during your visit. So here are some tips on…
Apologise for the late post but I’m in Tokyo on a business trip and it’s been non-stop for almost a week. Being out here though, is reminding me of some…